Do Brake Lights Work When Car Is Off?

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What is interesting about brake lights is that there was a time when cars did not have this. You can imagine how hard it was then to tell what the next driver was about to do and how many accidents there were on daily basis. When the brake light fails to function properly, by returns the driver to the such stone age.

So, do brake lights work when the car is off? The horn and brake lights are similar safety accessories that are required to be active around the clock. They, therefore, operate outside the ignition or car engine. To function as a safety measure, the brake lights are installed in a way that allows them to get turned on when the car is off.

The stories and happenings that lead to the invention of brake lights are similar to the invention of any piece of technology we have today. The invention was driven by the need to solve the problem of increasing road traffic accidents.

At some point as the number of car owners increased and more cars populated the road, road traffic accidents were on the rise. The roads back then lacked proper street lights and were therefore dark during the nights, making it difficult for divers to see themselves except for the headlights.

The accidents were therefore more at night. The brake light helped with telling other drivers what the driver ahead of them was planning and cautioned them to slow down or give some space between their car and the car ahead.

When you are driving behind a car without a brake light or whose brakes are faulty, you will b in complete darkness regarding when the car driver intends to slow down. As such, you may unintentionally bump into the car or aggressively match on the brake pedal when the car suddenly stops or slow down.

Either of these situations is not ideal. The cost of repair for both your car and the other car in question will become the responsibility of the driver at fault, in this case, the driver whose car lacked working brake lights. 

In the court of law, driving with brake lights that do not function properly is an off-road safety rule. If determined from the CCTV footage that your car’s brake lights lead to the collision, then you may be charged accordingly.

This quality of brake light applies to both manual and automated vehicles. The slight difference between the automated modern cars with the central computer system is that it lacks the traditional wiring system and operates via signals. 

In the early developmental stages of the car, when there were no brake lights, drivers resorted to various means of alerting the other road users of their next course of action. These included the use of hand gestures as well as shouting on top of their voices to tell other drivers to slow down to prevent tail collision

The hand gesture of use of voice looks primitive and outdated today as a result of the invention of the brake lights and signal lights. However, back then, they helped to bring significant communication between drivers.

The dashboard light and essential all the lights in a car, including the brake light, run on the car battery. This means, that when the battery is completely out of juice, do not expect any of these lights to turn on when the switch is engaged or when the pedal is pressed.

With a slight foot pressure, the light immediately comes on and goes off immediately after the foot is removed from the pedal. If your brake lights act differently, there may be something wrong with one or more of the parts.

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What is the working mechanism of the brake light?

For most cars, the headlights, dashboard light, and others do network unless the car’s ignition is turned on. As a result, each time any of these is needed, the ignition is first turned on. Consequently, when the car’s ignitions are faulty or fail to get turned on, these lights will equally fail to turn on.

The brake lights are to do this along with the horn. While this is made to ensure that even when the ignition of the engine fails the brake light should still effectively communicate when the car is about to slow down to the cars behind it, there is a price paid by those who casually ride the brake by placing their foot on it.

This could happen when the car is parked or as you drive on the highway. some do this deliberately to remain ready at all times to break in, however, most are unaware of what this does to the brake lights and the battery.

While the car is accelerating, whatever charge is expended from the battery is replaced almost immediately. However, when the foot is placed on the pedal of a parked car, no matter how lightly, the brake light will get turned on and will drain the battery to a level that may require a jump start t get the engine back on again.

While driving, the light foot on the brake pedal may not be enough to cause the pads to wear but it is enough to cause the brake light to get turned on. over time, the lens may melt and be damaged.

The brake lights will help retain the resale value of your car. If you treat your car like a baby as most persons do, you will be heartbroken to find that some dude bumped into the bumper and caused a crack or a much worse degree of damage.

As you drive on the road, there are many instances where you are required to apply the brakes sometimes abruptly. An example of such is when you come across a speed bump or pothole or when you plan on taking the next turn.

In all these instances, you would prefer the person driving behind is well aware of your next move so that they may slow down as well and avoid running into you.

What are the causes of brake light malfunction?

In a car, the tires and brakes are perhaps the most troublesome parts of the car, responsible in most instances for the reason behind a visit to auto shops. 

Issues with the brake light are taken seriously by most car owners partly because of law enforcement agents who are constantly on the lookout for vehicles without a functioning brake light and also because of the risk of this causing other drivers to crash into their car.

Similar to making a diagnosis of a disease affecting the human body, the pathophysiology of the disease tells a lot about the system affected. So, in the case of the brake system, the suspected part depends on the presenting symptom.

The malfunction can be in the form of the brake light refusing to come on even when the brake pedal is pushed downward until it becomes married to the car floor. It could also be in the form of the light not getting turned off even when there is no pressure on the brake pedal.

None of these two problems is worse than the other. the ideal step to fixing either of these problems is to identify which of the brake light component explains the symptom.

When the light refuses to come up, it could be a problem with the bulb, the switch, or the wiring. The most common cause between these three is the bulb, in which case replacement with a new one simply solves the problem.

When the light bulb is not turned off when the foot is lifted from the pedal, it could be a problem with the striker, the pedal, the wiring, or the central computer system in the case of automated vehicles.

When the pedal only returned partially but not completely when its is depressed with the foot, this could cause the switch to remain engaged and the light bulb to remain illuminated. This problem is usually a result of the accumulation of dirt around the brake pedal and rusting of the iron rod of the brake pedal as a result of poor maintenance practice.

How do you test the brake lights of a car?

When it comes to testing the brake lights, there are a few tricks to doing this on your own, however, it is a lot easy and more accurate if you could have a friend do this for you.

To test the brake light, you will need to apply pressure on the brake pedal and observe the lights at the same time. in a computerized vehicle, the dashboard provides the information and does not need you to step out to take a look.

However, without this computer system, you certainly do need someone to tell you about the lights, which are working and which are not. When you fail to get someone to assist you in this regard, you can try a couple of other ideas.

You can place an object on the brake pedal, use the side mirror to look into mirrors placed close to the brake lights, or simply drive the car close to the mirror of a shopping mall. 

Do Brake Lights Work When Car Is Off – Conclusion

There is nothing more annoying than to have your tail light or bumper crashed into and then it turns out to be your fault for not having a functional brake light. Always inspect the lights to ensure they are in good working condition

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